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What are the essential health benefits offered through ACA?
Outpatient Care
Also known as ambulatory care, this includes doctor visits, outpatient surgery, and medical consultations. It's essentially any care you receive without being admitted to a hospital.
Pediatric Services
Covers medical care for children, including oral and vision care. This ensures that kids get the early and ongoing care they need.
Emergency Services
Coverage for sudden and severe medical issues. No pre-authorization is needed, and emergency care is covered at in-network rates even if you're treated out-of-network.
This covers surgeries, overnight stays, and other inpatient care. Whether you need a major operation or just observation, this ensures you’re taken care of.
Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services
Including behavioral health treatment, such as psychotherapy and counseling. This covers both inpatient and outpatient services.
Prescription Drugs
Helps with the cost of medications prescribed by your doctor, including both generic and brand-name drugs.
Rehabilitative and Habilitative Services and Devices
Aids in recovery from injuries, illnesses, or disabilities. Rehabilitative services help you regain skills, while habilitative services help you acquire skills you've never had. Devices include anything from crutches to hearing aids.
Laboratory Services
Covers tests necessary for diagnosing and treating illnesses and conditions, such as blood tests and X-rays.
Preventive and Wellness Services
Includes routine checkups, screenings, and vaccines to prevent illness and manage chronic diseases. Many preventive services are offered without any cost-sharing.
Maternity and Newborn Care
Crucial services for expectant mothers and newborns, from prenatal care and delivery to postnatal care.